Imagining Before Twilight, the Sequel to Before Midnight
As the title suggests, this entry will mainly consist of me entertaining a few thoughts on a tentative sequel to Richard Linklater's Before Midnight , Before Twilight . It's very possible that this sequel will never happen. And it's also possible that it won't be titled Before Twilight . But given how Richard Linklater and Ethan Hawke have been floating around some ideas, I'd like to believe it's not too distant a possibility. Instead of focusing on the directorial execution in a film, which is what I've been doing here, I'll stick to the script for a change. Screenplays are less exciting to break down and feel (at least in my opinion) because words are first thought and then felt whereas images are felt instantaneously with no adulteration. But it'd still be fun to speculate on a "plot" and write out a scene or two that flesh out that speculation. Put another way, let's take a close look at what happened in Before Midn...